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Criteria of goal accomplishment

The setting of a goal by The client is one of the first elements performed during every Coaching session.  However, the goal most often has the form of a general statement, and is set to guide the Coachee in the desired direction.  Only when the Criteria of the goal’s accomplishment are precisely described, do we have a full picture and understanding as to what The client wants to achieve.

The most effective method of setting Criteria is determining them at the level of Behaviour.  This results from the fact that Behaviour is observable, can be verified, and to a certain extent is countable.  More subjective criteria can also be applied, for example feelings, but their objective verification is much more difficult.  That is why criteria describing behaviour are most useful.

The client may declare both what he is planning to do, what where the actions he performed in order to reach his goal, but also, what he is going to stop doing.  Behavior is a useful measurement tool, also because we can determine the frequency of how often certain behaviour has appeared during a specific time span, and thus prove that the client has achieved change.

The criteria of goal accomplishment that have been determined at the beginning of The coaching process are a measurement tool, by which the effectiveness of the coach-client cooperation will also be measured.  When there are no criteria, the client may still be satisfied with The coaching process , but it will be more difficult to verify whether or not he has achieved his Goals.  This is extremely important from an organisation’s point of view, which may be the sponsor of the coaching sessions.  Companies usually expect precise measurement tools.  On the other hand, determining measurement criteria is also very beneficial for the coach, because on their basis he is able to precisely summarise the results of the whole coaching process.



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