Goals are the axis of the whole Coaching process. They are determined at the beginning of each process and each session. We should always remember about the principles according to which goals should be determined. Rules like SMART, POWER and others might be helpful.
A goal in coaching serves also as an extremely important verification point. There is no other possibility to measure the effectiveness of coaching other than with a precisely defined goal. In spite of reaching a satisfying result both for the sponsor as well as the Coachee himself, without a specific goal we would not know what to measure.
It’s worth also distinguishing between goals and dreams. A goal is a lot more precise, has a date and Criteria of its fulfillment (by which we can tell whether it has been reached), sometimes also and action plan, etc.
In coaching a Coachee works on reaching goals he sets himself (the Coach does not impose any targets). Such goals are then both attractive and motivating. In Business coaching, The client’s goals are often consulted with the HR department or/and with his superior. The coach does not work with goals which The client does not agree with. The reason for this is both ethical (to avoid manipulation) as well as effectiveness (the client has motivation to pursue accomplishments and change only when the goals are his own or when he consents to the organization’s goals).
We can distinguish the following goals:
From the perspective of a person setting the goals:
The client’s goals
The sponsor’s goals
The coach’s goals
From the perspective of time:
Session goals
Process goals
Long term goals