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ROI in coaching

An abbreviation for an economic turn – return on investment.  This is a metric for the yield on Coaching, which is used to determine the effectiveness of the whole process.

The way of calculating this indicator in coaching differs a bit from the most popular ROI formulas used in economics.  The main difference lies in relying on a lot less precise data, which is used in this model.  This is due to the fact that there are external factors, which may influence The client to change during the course of The coaching process in a degree that is both unpredictable and difficult to determine.


Where FBofC means Financial Benefits of Coaching, that is an increase in income, benefits of team work, new customers, a decrease in the number of absences due to sickness, a lower number of claims and complaints from external customers, etc.

CC stands for Coaching Costs, which are the coach’s fee, The client’s paid time which he devotes to coaching sessions, the costs of travel, administration and other.

Determining the influence of coaching on the value of the FBofC is of critical importance here.  Because this data is not precise, it may only be estimated.  For example, what is the effect of coaching on the increase of sales achieved by a team, which is managed by the coach’s client? Due to difficulties in estimating the value of this data, the ROI in coaching is credible only to a certain extent.

A similar calculation with similar inaccuracies may be applied in measuring the effectiveness of training sessions, for example.



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