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One of the two pillars of Coaching (awareness and responsibility) popularised by John Whitmore.  Responsibility is also the meta goal of each coaching process. Increasing responsibility in one’s life leads to enlarging also the sphere of influence, which in turn helps the Coachee to reach the desired results.

It is not possible to reach a result, or achieve change, in a situation when a client sets himself a goal, which is out of his control – that is a goal for which he cannot take responsibility.  This is why one of the Criteria for a well set goal in coaching is responsibility for its realisation.

Today the concepts of responsibility and awareness are present in many different coaching approaches.

In coaching, it is The client who takes the responsibility for the effects of the meetings. This is connected with a particular aspect of the coach’s job, who cannot do more than The client allows himself to do.  However, the Coach shares with the client the responsibility for The coaching process .  It is the coach who has the knowledge how to conduct a session, and the client who has motivation to change and knows what Goals he wants to reach.



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