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An element of the Coaching process, which applies to the way of conducting a session, constructing tasks, but also to the coach’s attitude.   Challenges should be set at a certain level of difficulty and are an essential element of development.  The Coach asks questions provoking The client to thinking.  This way, he encourages The client to explore such areas of his consciousness which have not yet been examined.  Also, when constructing tasks, the coach’s goal is to amongst others provide the client with certain challenges, so that he can test himself in a new situation and learn something more about himself.  Challenges help the Coachee to step out of his comfort zone and become more flexible.

By giving the client new challenges, the coach has absolute faith in the success and well being of the project.  Sometimes, he believes in the client more than the client does himself.

In a situation when the Coachee fails with something  and is unable to perform a task, the coach should lead the process in a way that empowers and reinforces the coachee.  Coaching is also a learning process, so thanks to this failure the client may discover something important about himself.  In coaching, each opportunity to learn should be taken advantage of.



Phone: +48 881 63 00 63

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