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According to a very general definition, values are what an individual wants and what is important to him.

Values are like landmarks for people.  Everyone has their own set, although we are not always fully conscious of what is important for us and what drives us in our lives.

In the Coaching process, it is extremely important discover what values direct The client’s Behaviour.  Every action we undertake and decision we make concerning our life is made basing on our values, which are present in the background and motivate a person to act.

When talking about values we use certain labels, like ‘truth’, ‘honesty’ or ‘beauty’.  A more detailed analysis allows us to enter the world of the Coachee ’s values and clarify what those values exactly mean to him.

Another important element is how the Coachee implements values in his life, how he acts to live in accordance with them.  There is no one correct way, a lot depends on the person and his definition of a particular value.

Values are our source of motivation to do something, and that is why it is important to look into them at the stage of formulating a coaching goal.

We can divide values into declared and performed.



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