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Session goals

This is the outcome or description of a state The client wants to reach at the end of the session.  This goal meets all the Criteria of a Coaching goal and is to be reached by The client at the end of the session.  This is one of the Criteria by which the effectiveness of a session may be measured, but not the only one.  Often, when the session’s goal has not been precisely described, the meeting turns into a chit-chat,  the Coach accomplishes his/her own goal or a default one.

Pinpointing session Goals requires a lot of attention and a certain level of the coach’s mastery in using tools.  It is important that the session’s goal is in line with the process’s goal and long-term targets (although in certain unique cases exceptions to this rule are allowed).  This means that the accomplishment of the session’s goal should bring the client closer to reaching his long-term Goals.

In coaching we should refrain from setting goals for later sessions at the beginning of the process, although some coaches may be tempted to do so.  Why shouldn’t we do it? Because neither the coach nor the client is able to foresee the pace of change the client is going to go through.  Due to this, a goal planned on session nr 5 (if somebody decided upfront to define it) could be invalid (as in reached) earlier.  Therefore – if only for this reason alone – there is no point in such planning.



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