Session cancellation
By session cancellation we understand a change of the date of meeting for a more suitable one, done either by the Coach or the Coachee.
Matters concerning the cancellation of a session should be regulated by a written Agreement, discussed and signed before the beginning of co-operation. The paragraph concerning such a situation should precisely describe the consequences of postponing coaching sessions. Depending on the contract – but also time when the second party has been informed about the postponement of a session – there may be different consequences.
When it is The client who postpones the date of the next meeting (and this is most often the case), it is important that he notifies the coach with proper advance. Not doing so may result in financial consequences, that is full or partial payment for the session that did not take place.
There is also another aspect to session cancellation, and it may be connected with The client’s attitude to the process of change, coaching or the coach himself. When sessions are postponed or cancelled too often (this is very subjective and hard to specify because a lot depends on circumstances) the coach should consider the client’s motivation to change and best talk to him about this. Sometimes, the reasons lies completely somewhere else – in an unconscious resistance to change, which may manifest itself in such a way. However, even when the reason remains unknown, it is important that the coach touches upon this subject during the next meeting. It is worth finding the reason for such a state of matters and to find effective prevention means.