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Development tasks

A part of the Coaching process which is based on designing and offering The client tasks which will help him develop.  The purpose of such assignments is to support the process of change and development even between sessions.  Every coaching session should end with a task proposal for The client.  Between sessions, the Coachee should implement his discoveries and insights from sessions in his life.  This also gives a feeling of the continuation of The coaching process in everyday life.

It is important that tasks concentrate on the performance of various activities, so they provide a counterbalance to conversation which is the basis of sessions.

Tasks are only proposals.  The client may not agree to them or may negotiate them.  Practically anything is negotiable, for example: the frequency, number or intensity of what the client is supposed to do.

The key objective when constructing tasks is working on change – in its broad sense.

Also, we should not forget to construct tasks basing on current sessions, so that they correspond with the Coachee ’s latest insights.  It is important that the task fits the client’s Values .  If this condition is not met, then, unless the client refuses to do it, the result may be opposite to what the Coach had in mind.

Tasks are divided into:

  1. Direct
  2. Indirect
  3. Amplyfing fears



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