Contract meeting
This is a multistage process which takes place before the beginning of the first Coaching session. A contract meeting is devoted to establishing the rules of co-operation, choosing a Coach and formalising the whole procedure (but not a formal, written Agreement concerning the delivery of the coaching service). A contract meeting takes place in Business coaching – both executive and team.
In most cases, contract meetings begin with a meeting with the sponsor, that is the company’s representative (an employee of the HR department and/or the direct superior of the Coachee ). The company has the opportunity to get to know the coach, and the coach in turn learns a bit about the company and the coachee, as well as about the expectations of the company in reference to the whole coaching process.
The second meeting is usually with the coachee, during which a decision about further co-operation is made. Most often, The client meets with a few coaches, from whom he chooses one person, according to his subjective Criteria, who he thinks is the best for him.
When the coach has been picked, a third meeting is arranged. During this meeting organisational arrangements are made and the Goals for The coaching process are clarified with the sponsor.
The above is an example of the most common course of contract meetings that take place in Business coaching, although there are variations. For example, if the organisation stays the same, and the coach begins a new coaching process with another coachee, then it may not be necessary to have another meeting with the sponsor. Sometimes, when the superior of the Coachee is actively involved in The coaching process , he also wants to meet the coach to share his expectations. In this case, the process of contract meetings would be prolonged by another meeting.
Other possible meanings of the word ‘contract’ in coaching, are:
- Written contract – a formalised Agreement for co-operation
- Contract with the coachee – an oral agreement on the principles of co-operation, which take place after the coach has been chosen
- Contract with the organisation – a type of oral agreement concerning the principles of co-operation, specific Goals, etc.