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Coaching locations

Most often business Coaching sessions take place in the building of the company where the Coachee is employed.  There are also other alternatives, like for example renting a conference room or meeting in the coach’s office.  In Life coaching , meetings usually take place in the coach’s office or in a rented room.  Regardless of the type of coaching, the Coach should chose the location taking into account a few Criteria that it should meet:

  1. It should allow discretion and separate the Coachee from the eyes of curious passersby, that is why glass-walled rooms without blinds are not always suitable for this purpose.
  2. It should be roomy, especially for experiments, exercises or other coaching tools which may require movement.
  3. It should be equipped.  The most important elements are chairs and a table.  Sometimes a flipchart or whiteboard may come in handy.
  4. It should be quite.  Outdoor noise may disturb The coaching process .

Sometimes beginning coaches agree to work in The client’s office.  Unfortunately, this is not always a good solution because the coaching session requires a suitable atmosphere and concentration, and the client’s own office may awake various associations, especially when the coach sits in the place of the client’s employees and The client is in his comfortable armchair, behind his desk with his monitor in front of him.

As for life coaching, a café or restaurant would also not be the best choices, mostly because of the noise and lack of discretion.  In Operational coaching many meetings take place in places where the coachee performs his duties.  Depending on the position, this may be the office of a business client or the whole company.



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